Sunday, April 17, 2011

Thankful for His Presence

“Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He! Who is that? It is Jesus.” (Matt 21) These were the sounds of the crowd as Jesus entered Jerusalem thousands of years ago. He entered on a donkey, not a white stallion. The crowd honored him with an entry fit for a King, throwing down their cloaks and palm leaves, but these same people would soon forsake him and demand that he be put to death on the Cross. Even his own disciples would deny him.
I know that Jesus paid it all, but do I live like I know this? I can only compare myself to the people in the crowd, shouting praises, but then depending on the circumstance, forsaking him? Turning my back away from His presence and reacting in the flesh, thinking that I have a better way. I tend to do this when I have become impatient. or really doubting His power. I am sure you have prayed a prayer and then if you didn’t get a timely response or change, you eventually took it (the struggle) on yourself. I can say the final outcome never works to my advantage. Afterwards, I always end up feeling defeated, tired, and not to mention helpless. I am then reminded of how much I need his PRESENCE, because I cannot live the life intended for me without Him. I guess I have decided that we cannot really change anyone or any circumstance, but we can SEEK HIS FACE, HIS PRESENCE, and BELIEVE. Have you ever felt that you only seemed to be praying for Blessings instead of just talking with the Lord (I know that the Bible says to ask and we shall receive, but you have to BELIEVE to RECEIVE, doubt is not believing Matt 21:22), but sometimes I find myself only asking, never talking or thanking or LISTENING. Do you ever just pray to be in HIS PRESENCE? As I sit here, I can only think why I would ask for anything more from Him? He died for me (for you), so that every sin I have (you have) and will ever commit has been paid for! I am covered by His Blood! So no matter how many times I turn from Him, He is always there when I decide to return. This is called unconditional love. If you are a parent you now understand unconditional love; a love not expecting anything in return, a love that is always present, and a love that only has good intentions in mind. This is the love our Heavenly Father has for us!
I am going to be honest; I had an “Ah Ha” moment this week. I realized that the feeling that I feel when I am in His presence (WHICH IS AMAZING, a feeling of empowerment, joy, peace, reassurance, loved…) in His Word studying, praying, and singing worship is that I never have to leave. I can always be in His presence! So as Easter Sunday quickly approaches, I am reminded of how thankful I am that He died for me, so that He can live in me, and I can ALWAYS be in His presence!!! My Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for the life of peace you have given me, free from guilt and sin. Thank you for sending your Son into this world, so that I not only have an example to live by, but for dying on the cross to pay it all! I am so grateful that I can be in your presence at all times and that you love me unconditionally. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
John 20:21 -22 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone of his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”
1 John 4:10 This is Love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
The Easter Story: Matthew 21-28, Mark 11-16, Luke 19:28-24, John 12

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Principles to Live By

I have been on a journey lately. A journey that has led me closer to my Heavenly Father! I am so thankful for that and the hills and valleys that I have traveled. I would not change a fork or bend in the road. I have done things that I regret, said things that I regret, people have done and said things to me, and not just any people, people I love the most, but through each of these struggles, hardships, sorrows, and yes, joyful times too, I have learned that we are all on our own journey trying to figure out our purpose. I can also say that the Spirit has given peace with all of my past experiences, and the ability to forgive. I feel breathtakingly light, carrying no burdens or grudges. I can honestly say no one intentionally meant to hurt me, they were living their life, their journey, and I happen to be a part of it. Each one of these struggles has made me! I have been child-like for so long, listening and doing what I WANT. Does that sound familiar? I am praying and asking the Spirit to guide my thoughts and actions. Galations 5:22 list the fruits of the Spirit. Here is a task. Look this verse up. Pray and ask God to show you which ones you need work on. Now set a goal that you can apply daily in your life and write it down. I think for me self-control is hard. I am not necessarily an angry person, but can be I have to think about my words (Am I using them to encourage or to tear down? to gossip or meddle? or for my own selfish reasons. Self-Control over my time, how I interact with my daughter, you get the point. Anyways, try it and apply it and you will notice a change. Here are some key biblical principles that I try to use daily (I do fail, I am not perfect.) • Live by the Fruits of the Spirit • Quick to listen and slow to speak • I always ask myself what is my motivation for wanting to do, say, or buy that? Almost always it is motivated by selfishness. I am learning to lead a servant life. This is true love for others and pure joy for me. (THIS IS SO HARD FOR ME!! To deny my flesh of its wants, but learning that the more I do this, the easier it becomes.) • Listen to the Spirit and not my flesh • Let God fill my cup in the morning and not to rely on others to do that. They are human and WILL fail you. When we look to others for this, we have an expectation for them, and most the time this sets them up for failure. They don’t know what you need. God is the only one who is ALL KNOWING. (I have to be honest, I set expectations for my husband daily instead of just excepting him, then I get mad when he doesn’t notice my cute outfit, or thank me for dinner, or appreciate him… Once again, only thinking of my needs. Did I tell him thank you? Or that he looked handsome in his new shirt. Nope…just some food for thought.) • Be mindful that my life is a ministry, it does matter how people view me, but I have to pray and be filled daily with The Word in order to prepare myself. The world is tough; I constantly have to remind myself that I am just a pilgrim passing through. I live in and for the KINGDOM. • PUSH: Pray until something happens. Also, Dr. Charles Stanley taught me, that if your prayers are not being answered these things could be happening: 1. You are in Rebellion (sinning): Ask God to show you your sins and iniquities. Then repent. 2. You are being Prideful: You might be saying I don’t need help, I can do this alone, all by MYSELF. • Do the word! What use is knowledge of the word if you are not doing and applying it to your life? I could keep on writing, but I have to head to word. Hopefully what the Spirit has spoke to me and showed me through his word will speak to you. I want to pray that you all will be seekers of the word and pray for conviction in your heart. That the Lord WILL guide your steps in this life and for a discerning spirit to overwhelmingly take over your soul. In Jesus name we pray, AMEN.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory, Glory…

This is how I greet my 1 ½ year old in the morning, and then we proceed into other praise and worship as we get milk and breakfast. I cannot wait for the day that she sings-a-long, but she does dance. I do think it is amazing how I grew up singing children’s praise and worship, but not until now do I know the true meaning of these songs. These songs will one day teach Victorie she should arise with Him, praising Him for His Glory and that each day she should “rejoice and be glad in it, because she’s in the Lord’s army!” Psalm 119:24

Here is a BLOG that I just love. There are so many resources for parents to use. Go explore!!! Share any of your favorite resources too.